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The Art Leaders, oil on canvas, 100X150 cm
Nurit Shany
Escapism, oil on canvas, 100x150 cm
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The artist's comment:
This painting of the Escapism series, has been created in the honor of all the victims of ISIS, Bucco Haram and other terrorist radical groups.
It demonstrates our human response of curiosity to see the horrific evil scenes, talking about them and sending them to others on the electronic net, once the 'send' button is pushed, we escape back to our daily lives to succeed our private chosen aims.
Most of us ignore the fate of the unfortunate. Only a few rise to change the circumstances.
The people portrayed in the painting are Tel Aviv residents sitting in the Rothchild Avenue occupied with their own worlds, though seeming to be part of the crowd. The background house on fire stands for all houses and homes destroyed by act of war or force of nature on our globe.
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