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 Imagined reality - oil paintings

Welcome to Nurit Shany's Art

  Paintings with two points of view

The images you're going to see are conceptual images created by Nurit Shany,an Israeli artist. They relate to parallel existences in contemporary local, global, public and personal issues expressed through the human figure's asymmetrical reflections that create a paradigm shift by paintings with two points of view.


The Creative Process


Concepts are abstract, yet they have many shapes and are expressed in verbal and artistic languages and religions.

Imagery can be experienced in its passive mode as a dream or hallucination, and in an active mode, by directing intention into the psychedelic realm of the mental inner space forming images.


Conceptual Imagery is a stream of consciousness created by unfolding concepts through a meditative intention, released into imagery. The concept transforms into a visual symbol  that holds a narrative in a psychedelic or artistic space.


Painting with two points of view is a statement corresponding with the classic tradition of compositions that relates to objects as seen through a window frame, showing a material world affected by gravity. Since conceptual imagery is free from the laws of gravity yet the pictorial format is viewed through a frame, the classical paradigm relating to set directions is challenged by the asymmetrical reflections, creating an artistic space that exposes a twofold meaning to each scene.     


The images you see below are different aspects of the concept of parallelism: ‘Parallel Existences’ or ‘Parallel Realities’ which one can be conscious of and experience through daily life. The human consciousness has a blind spot attached to a paradigm that prevents seeing some aspects hiding in its many different angles. Nurit Shany’s art calls you to relate to reality as a many fold expression and to the human being as capable of being aware of more than the surface of existence. The double angle that sums up to a harmonious composition of a reflection reveals a visual blind spot that awakens when looking at objects in an upside-down position, arising a sense of a paradigm shift when aware of the two points of view.


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